
Kitab Airspan Cara comissioning Tested 200%

1. Activate Wifi on phone
2. Searching the Ibridge WIFI-ID and select it to connect.
3. Open Chrome browser and enter
4. Ibridge login window will open:
5. Enter the password :
6. Click on Aiming and start the pointing to reach the target power level.

Link capacity test done by Iperf
Prerequisite : Iperf application installed on both Laptops (AP side and Station side)
Step 1: Laptop at AP side as a client and Laptop at Station as Source
1. Open Iperf on AP and Station Laptop.
2. On Station Laptop run iperf commad: iperf –s –u –i1
3. On AP side run iperf command:
a. iperf –c <IP station laptop> -b 300M –t 300 –i1
b. Screenshoot the iperf result (called Max TP = A).
c. Do manual calculation B = 90%*A.
d. Open new command Prompt and run simultaneously with Iperf:
• Run iperf –c <IP station laptop> -b <B>M –t 300 –i1
• Ping <IP station laptop> -t –n 300
e. Screenshot the iperf and ping test result
4. Run ping test: Ping <IP station laptop> -t –n 300 and screenshot the ping test result

Step 2: Laptop at AP side as a Source and Laptop at Station as Client
1. Open Iperf on AP and Station Laptop.
2. On AP Laptop run iperf commad: iperf –s –u –i1
3. On Station side run iperf command:
a. iperf –c <IP AP laptop> -b 300M –t 300 –i1
b. Screenshoot the iperf result (called Max TP = A).
c. Do manual calculation B = 90%*A.
d. Open new command Prompt and run simultaneously with Iperf:
• Run iperf –c <IP AP laptop> -b <B>M –t 300 –i1
• Ping <IP AP laptop> -t –n 300
e. Screenshot the iperf and ping test result
4. Run ping test: Ping <IP AP laptop> -t –n 300 and screenshot the ping test result


1. Open Web Browser and enter the Ibridge
B5 IP address in https mode:
2. Ibridge B5 default IP address:
 press enter:
3. Click on advance and click on Proceed to, terminal login window will
4. Enter the password:, click Login,
main window will open:
Ibridge B5 Commissioning



IP,Mikrotik,microwave,BTS,Komputer,Agriculture,Linux server & Network
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